About Rhythm Nest


Rhythm Nest is a small, home-like childcare setting with an emphasis on:

  • natural toys
  • imitative play
  • nutritious organic food
  • active outdoor time
  • singing
  • playful recitations
  • daily and seasonal rhythms
  • restorative sleep
  • exploring nature
  • community
  • respectful relations

More Thoroughly,

At Rhythm Nest we will play everyday; our work is our play. There is an emphasis on rhythm – through our daily activities, our experiences of the changing seasons, and our celebrations throughout the year.  Children ages one year to four will form a “family” that will help one another grow, trust, and blossom in a loving home environment.

We work and play with our friends; through our daily activities together we will strengthen our social skills and learn to respect each other.  Working in our garden and taking long walks will help us form a connection to the changing seasons in the world around us and form relationships with our neighbors.  Preparing food we have watched grow encourages us to eat in season and to notice how the food we eat changes throughout the year.  We will happily take part in all of the ordinary jobs (the home arts) that allow us to wear clean clothes, play on a floor without crumbs, and to find just the toy we are looking for. We are part of one household and the daily responsibilities are shared between all of us because all of us benefit from skills acquired and the resulting harmony. 

One of the most important threads through all of our activities is the nurturing of the young child;  Rhythm Nest is child centered, yet not child led.  An adult is there to guide and encourage the natural unfolding of all the children, to lead by example, and to be sure mirrored behaviors are worthy of being repeated.

We will share healthy and wholesome organically grown snacks and lunches that we prepare together and then eat communally. Rhythm Nest is a member of an organic CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) that delivers vegetables and fruits of the season.

Our surroundings are purposefully beautiful and entirely child-friendly. Particular care has been taken in choosing many ethically and sustainably made toys that allow for open-ended play. The children sleep on sheets and mattresses made of organic cotton. We compost regularly and have a bevy of red wrigglers to supercharge our composting process (vermiculture). The renovations of Rhythm Nest were done with no/low voc materials, recycled goods, and with a keen attention to safety and the way everything will be experienced from a child’s point of view. 

Stories of times long ago and people far away will be shared, as well as stories of what is yet to happen.  Visual storytelling is an important part of our program. A rich imagination begets creative thinking and encourages self-sufficiency during time alone. Some stories will be played out with wooden animals or fabric puppets. Even the youngest children are captivated by simply performed puppet plays. Most stories will be told repeatedly throughout a season so that characters, messages, and story details are given time to make a lasting impact.

Songs, games with broad gestures, and simple poems will be woven into our day, reflective of the changing seasons.  Spoken verses, and songs with movement are an important part of stimulating literacy in the young child.

Perhaps most importantly, each child will feel secure, recognized, loved, and celebrated. It is truly an honor for me to be trusted to take part in your family’s journey.